
Hastings Suburb Statistics

Hastings Suburb Statistics – check out how your suburb faired up to October 2019


When deciding on your investment and whether your suburb has been the right choice, it is good to know the information recorded by RP Data.

I am delighted to be able to provide you with the information for Hastings, Victoria and you may be interested to see if you are sitting on a a great investment!

You can request a copy of the full report by emailing us, or just read through the summary below.

According to RP Data reports, Hastings Victoria has had an overall decrease in the Median Sale Price in October 2019 compared to October 2018, and it is still some $142,500 above the same time in 2015.

When compared to the Mornington Peninsula as a whole, Hastings is $257,500 below the Peninsula for the Median House Sales in October 2018 and $170,000 below the Mornington Peninsula for Unit sales.

Land Sales in Hastings were $222,500 lower than the Median Land Sales Prices for the Mornington Peninsula in October 2019.

The Total number of house sales in Hastings to October 2019 was 167, with 196 total for 2018.

The Total number of unit sales in Hastings to October 2019 was 42, with 40 total for 2018.

The Total number of land sales in Hastings to October 2019 was 20, with 48 total for 2018.


If you would like more information regarding your particular home, unit or land, then contact me anytime on 0419 503 327 or via email to [email protected]



information sourced from RP Data

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