
Friends of Fusion Gala Dinner 2022

McNeill Real Estate are once again proud to be sponsoring the Friends Of Fusion Gala Dinner.

In recent times many of us have adapted to a lifestyle of physical disconnection.  Of course as human beings we all need deep authentic connection, this is especially true for our young people.

Despite the great developments in online platforms where our youngsters are natives, when it comes to real genuine authentic connection, the experience of the Fusion team is that  any of our local young people are being left behind.

Everyday our teams are caring for young people with depressive symptoms on the increase, within family home structures with unresolvable conflict, unemployment and skill deficits,  homelessness, and disconnection from education. What response does this reality pose from us as the wider community?

We want to share with you the concept of a social ecosystem – every street, park, business, school, family, and individual person is a part of this system.

At Fusion we find this a very powerful concept as we know very well what happens to a young person when they are not connected to the life giving entities within our social ecosystem.

When families are struggling, when home is not safe, when there is disconnection from school, when friendships are toxic, how can these youngsters possibly thrive? That young person has no environment to grow, develop, or thrive!

A healthy thriving social ecosystem is one that is adaptable to change and can learn.

Entities in the system know each other and work together for the health of the whole system. Issues become known and entities face these TOGETHER and adapt to bring health back to their ecosystem!

Join us for our Friends of Fusion Gala Dinner 2022 as we come together to support our community in creative ways to help our young people flourish

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